Quirks and Marriage

Quirks and marriage?  That doesn’t exist does it?

Here is a link to an article written by a fellow sister in Christ, Victoria Clark.  She lost her husband to an accident several years ago. This is a very poignant blog article that she titled “Quirks and Marriage.”  We often find ourselves complaining about the unattractive quirks in our spouse. This blog post puts in perspective the fact that we just do not realize how much we love those ‘quirks’ when they are gone from us. 

It is very re-mindful of a blog post I wrote after we lost our son at 20 weeks of pregnancy.  I entitled it “Cherished Footprints” and it can be found by clicking here

So whether you are dealing with the loss of a spouse, child, or family member I would encourage you to read both of these articles.  Our prayer is that they would lift you up with encouragement in the Lord Jesus. 

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