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Space: God’s Majestic Handiwork

Space: God's Majestic Handiwork is an excellent choice for curriculum for your children
Space: God’s Majestic Handiwork

A second book in the series for children is titled ‘Space: God’s Majestic Handiwork‘. This is from ICR (Institute for Creation Research). It is yet another ingenious work from a stellar organization. The first book in the series that we reviewed was ‘Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures.’ This gem of a text moves on to discuss that the surrounding planets and our solar system was a part of God’s glorious creation described in the book of Genesis.

Big Bang VS Science

Max Loves this book Science: God's Majestic Handiwork from ICR
Max is rather happy with this science book!

The text immediately focuses in on the Big Bang and how this is an anti-Biblical theory. As the folks at ICR dealt with dinosaurs they also deal with the ‘billion year’ concept in regards to the universe and the relation with the Bible. The two ideas do not corroborate.


The text walks you through the universe and our solar system. There are detailed yet concise chapters on the planets, magnetic fields, moon lighting, asteroids, comets, black holes, and even the Star of Bethlehem. They also discuss the history of NASA, space shuttles, space stations, astronauts and what it takes to become an astronaut, the human body in space, among many other fun facts about space as we know it. The depth of this ‘children’s’ book is as good as any science text book placed in the public sector. The content is much better. Better because it is Biblically accurate.

Far Out Facts from Space: God's Majestic Handiwork
Far Out Facts About Space

The Gospel

My favorite part of the book? The Gospel! ICR does not neglect to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Let’s be honest, there are many organizations that pass themselves off as “Christian” when you would be hard pressed to find a solid gospel presentation anywhere in their material.  But that is NOT the case with the Institute for Creation Research.

A Solid Curriculum Choice

It is common for public education to force ‘theories’ on our children as fact. ICR gets it right in this children’s book that would be a great addition to any home school curriculum.
You can click on any of the ICR links within this article to transfer to the ICR website where this book among many other excellent resources can be purchased.

Contributor: Shawn Waugh

*Shawn (AKA Dr. Luke) is the host of the “Word For America” program heard weekly on 94.1 FM Lake City, Florida and 

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